The tiger shrimp yields a high economic value with a large size and sweet taste qualifying it to be farmed by many shrimp farmers in the Caribbean.
In addition to minerals, tiger shrimp also contains various vitamins essential for the body. One of them is vitamin B1, which plays a role in maintaining immune system function, metabolism, and heart health.
Boil It
Add 1 quart of water and the salt to a large pot over high heat. Bring to a boil. Stir in the shrimp, cover, and remove the pot from heat. Let sit for 5 to 8 minutes, until all the shrimp are cooked through to a bright pink shade Drain through a colander. Transfer the shrimp to a serving bowl or platter.
Raw shrimp lasts in the fridge for one to two days. Some shrimp packaging may have a “best-by” or “use-by” date, which indicates the packagers’ estimate of when the product will be of best quality. Shrimp may last beyond that date for two days, but if you’re unsure, check the texture and smell.